Into Florida Fish
Bringing Florida's Fish To You
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Types of Fish & Pricing
  • At Into Florida Fish, we only sell types of fish that are certified and or approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for sale in Florida.  
  • We will not ever intentionally sell any type of hybrid or any type of fish that requires a special permit with the exception of Triploid Grass Carp. All fish that we sell are offspring from FWC approved brood stock only. 
  • Below you will find a brief description of the different types of fish that we have to offer along with pricing and sizes available.
          Blue Gill         
​(Lepomis machrochirus mystacalis)     
Blue Gill commonly reach 6-10 inches and can sometimes reach 12 inches. They usually weigh less than a pound but some specimens reach up to 2 lbs. The state record for blue gill is 2.95 lbs! They spawn throughout the summer in Florida and can have anywhere from 10,000 - 60,000 eggs at a time. Males construct and guard the nest and eggs in groups. Blue gill diets mostly consist of insects and their larvae and other small fish.
Redear Sunfish are a little larger type of bream. It is common for readear sunfish to reach 1lb and up. They are nicknamed shellcracker for their preferred diet of snails and clams but also eat insects, fish eggs, and other small fish.The males build and guard the nest, eggs and young. State record for the Redear Sunfish is 4.86 lbs!
Blue Tilapia commonly grow to 2-4 lbs. They can grow to 5-6 lbs by the time they are 3-5 years old. The largest Blue Tilapia caught in Florida was 21 inches long and weighed 9.6 lbs! Blue Tilapia grow fast and tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They work great in aquaponics systems. They thrive in warm waters rich with vegetation and algae. They spawn when water temperatures reach 68 degrees and up. Brood size can range from 100 to 2000 eggs depending on the size of the female.The male constructs the nest and immediately after he fertilizes the eggs, the female picks them up in her mouth and swims away. Blue Tilapia primarily feed on plankton, detritus on the bottom of the lake or pond, and vegetation such as duckweed, watermeal, chara, water hyacinth, water lettuce and filamentous algae to name a few. Blue Tilapia also provide a great food source for large mouth bass because of the number of young and frequency of breeding. They can over populate if their numbers are not controlled by other fish such as bass or catfish.
Blue Tilapia
(oreochromis aureus)
Triploid Grass Carp
​Triploid Grass Carp are asian grass carp that have been altered using hydrostatic pressure prior to hatching to make them sterile (unable to reproduce). They are actually one of the largest members of the minnow family and can live up to 20 years and commonly grow to weigh 25 lbs. The largest taken in Florida was 15 years old and weighed 75 lbs! Grass carp have pharyngeal teeth that enable them to tear and grind up vegetation for consumption. This makes them especially useful for controlling aquatic vegetation here in the U.S. They are an exotic species that are available by permit only. The permit is free here in Florida, easy to obtain, and the whole process can usually be done online. If you click on the picture to the left the link will take you to the Myfwc Triploid Grass Carp permit page. Triploid Grass Carp are an excellent alternative to distributing herbicides which often cause unforeseen secondary problems such as killing off a native species of plant and allowing a non native to take over. Also, large amounts of rotting vegetation in a body of water can consume oxygen to the point of causing a fish kill.
(ctenopharyngodon idella)
The official state freshwater fish. Large Mouth Bass are an awesome predator fish that seem to grow unusually large in Florida. An adult large mouth bass can grow to more than 20 inches and weigh more than 15 lbs. The certified state record is over 17 lbs. Larger specimens have no doubt been caught but not certified. It is perhaps the most popular freshwater game fish in North America. Large mouth bass begin to spawn in the spring time when they are about 1 year old. The males fan out beds and take on the job of protecting the eggs and fry. Babies feed on zooplankton and at 1 inch they begin to feed on live fish. Adults eat other fish, (primarily bream), large insects and crustaceans. They thrive in waters that have bountiful vegetation. It is necessary to have plenty of forage fish like blue gill or tilapia in order to support a healthy bass population.
Florida Large Mouth Bass
(micropterus salmoides floridanus)
Channel Catfish
(ictalurus punctatus)
Channel Catfish are the most widely cultivated warm water fish in the U.S. They grow quickly and adapt to a wide range of water conditions. They are commonly found from 15 inches to 24 inches and can easily reach weights of 10 to 15 lbs. The state record catch is 44.5 lbs!  Maximum length on record is 52 inches! Maximum age believed to be 22 years old although not common. Channel catfish reach maturity at 2-3 years and usually spawn from May to July when waters are warm. Females can lay from 2000 to 70,000 eggs! Males construct the nest and protect the young. Female catfish will eat their own eggs.  A channel catfishes diet consist of small fish, crayfish, mollusks, insect larvae, and occasional vegetation. Adults usually feed on the bottom by smell and touch but channel catfish have larger eyes which makes them more adapted to sight feeding than other types of catfish.
Gambusia Minnow
(gambusia holbrooki)
Gambusia minnows are often called mosquito minnows because of their voracious appetite for mosquito and other insect larvae. A mature adult is said to be able to eat one hundred or more mosquito larvae in one day. They mature in as little as 8 weeks, have live birth with broods as large as 50 or more babies at a time and up to four broods a year. They can live in waters ranging from freezing to over 100 degrees with little to no oxygen saturation. Gambusia minnows also provide an ample, sustainable food source for other fish in your pond including themselves. There is little risk in them over populating because of their cannibalistic tendencies.  
  • Florida Large Mouth Bass in the 1" to  2" size range are $85.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Florida Large Mouth Bass in the 2" to  3" size range are $125-$150 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Florida Large Mouth Bass are not always available and prices are subject to change.
  • Average stocking rates at 100-150 per acre.
  • If you are planning to stock bass we recommend that you stock a ratio of around 5 blue gill/bream per bass and when possible stock the blue gill/ bream ahead of time.
  • Bass are usually only available springtime and early summer. Call for availability.
  • Blue Gill/Redear Sunfish in the 1"  to  2" size range are $ 65.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Larger Blue Gill/Redear Sunfish in the 2" to 3" size range are $90.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Larger Blue Gill/Redear Sunfish in the 3" to 4" size range are $115.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Only a small percentage of around 10 - 20 percent will be Redear Sunfish.
  • Most small ponds in general do not have the food sources necessary to support a large population of Redear Sunfish.
  • Larger sizes are sometimes available-just ask.
  • Blue Gill / Redear Sunfish are not always available and prices are subject to change.
  • Average stocking rates at 500 per acre.
  • Blue Tilapia in the 1" to 3" size range are $65.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Larger Tilapia in the 3" to 4" size range are sometimes available for $90.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • We only sell Blue Tilapia fingerlings.
  • Other Tilapia  species require a special permit from the FWC in order to possess.
  • We usually have Blue Tilapia year round unless we have severe winter weather.
  • Average stocking rates at 500 per acre.
  • Channel Catfish in the 3"  to  5" size range are $65.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
  • Channel Catfish in the 5"  to  7" size range are $100.00 per one hundred fingerlings.
       Larger Channel Catfish are sometimes available.
  • Average stocking rates from 500 per acre up to 2000 per acre with aeration and feeding.
  • Triploid Grass carp in the  8"  to  9" size range are $12.00 each when you purchase 5 or more.
  • If you are purchasing less than 4 Triploid Grass Carp they are $14.00 each.
  • Less then 3 Triploid Grass Carp will be $15 each and a delivery charge might be added.
  • Triploid Grass Carp permits are free from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission.
  • We will be happy to help in the permitting process free of charge.
  • Most permits can be pulled the same day.

  • Gambusia Minnows are $65.00 PER 1000.
  • Size ranges will vary from small minnows to adult size minnows depending on what is available.
  • Average recommended stocking rate of 1000 to 2000 per acre depending on the fish  population you already have and other factors as well.
​Koi are very hardy ornamental varieties of domesticated carp. Koi can have an average lifespan of 20 -35 years if given the right conditions and proper care. It is said some have lived to 100 years old! Koi can reach maximum sizes of around three feet depending on bloodline and proper care. Koi tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and a wide ph range. They are natural schoolers and bottom feeders but can be trained to eat right from your hand with a little effort. For this reason and their appearance they are popular as pets. Koi are omnivorous and also do well in a natural pond feeding on a diet of algae other types of vegetation, worms, larvae and small crustaceans. 
(cyprinus carpio)
  • Koi in the 3"  to  5" size range are $6.50 each when you purchase 10 or more.
  • Koi in the 6"  to  8" size range are $9.50 each when you purchase 10 or more.
  • We sometimes have larger koi and hand selects that vary in pricing-just ask.
  • We try to mix in one or two butterfly koi with all orders when available.
  • Orders of all butterfly are extra and priced according to availability.
Redear Sunfish 
(Lepomis microlophus)
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 or just have some questions you can call us directly or click the link below to send us an E-mail.
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